조반나 메초조르노 영어로
- 비토리오 메초조르노: Vittorio Mezzogiorno
- 조반나 1세: Joanna I of Naples
- 조반나 2세: Joanna II of Naples
- 조반나 랄리: Giovanna Ralli
- 초조: 초조 [初潮] 『生理』 menarche; one's first menstruation[period]; the beginning[establishment] of the menstrual function. ~를 보다 have one's first period.초조 [焦燥] fretfulness; impatience; irritation; chafe. ~를
- 세르지오 피조르노: Serge Pizzorno
- 조반니 조르조 델 몬페라토: John George, Marquis of Montferrat
- 조반: 조반 [朝飯] =아침밥. ~을 먹다 eat[take] breakfast / eat[have] one's breakfast / breakfast. ~으로는 토스트와 과일을 먹습니다 I have toast and fruit for breakfast. 나는 다섯 시에 벌써 ~을 먹고 있었다 I was already at breakfast at five.
- 초조한: jumpy; resty; wired; nervous; like a cat on a hot tin roof; overwound; duress; leading edge; laced-up; edgy; cutting edge; jittery
- 반나절: 반나절 [半-] a quarter of a day; half the morning; several hours of the day. ~을 독서로 보내다 spend a few hours[half the morning] in reading.
- 반나체: 반나체 [半裸體] a half-naked body; seminudity. ~의 half-naked / seminude / seminaked. ~의 시체 a half-naked dead body. ~의 사진 a seminude photograph.▷ 반나체화 a seminude (picture).
- 르노: renault
- 가나메초역: Kanamechō Station
- 로카디메초: Rocca di Mezzo
- 마마 메초나: Mamá Mechona